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TheSamba.com Store - Free Stickers

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Our Samba Stickers are 2" x 4" and
shipped free with all T-Shirt orders.

If you just want stickers, please send a self-addressed,
stamped envelope
(SASE*) to:

Everett Barnes
PO Box 17255
Fountain Hills, AZ 85269-7255

Remember to tell us how many stickers to send. If it's more than 4, we'd appreciate a dollar.

From the USA: One First Class stamp on a normal envelope works.

For international requests: Please send Everett an email request
 with your mailing address and the number of stickers you want.
*How to send a "SASE" (self-addressed stamped envelope):
1. Write your own address on an envelope where the recipient goes.
2. Either leave the return address blank, or put your address there as well.
3. Place a first-class stamp in the upper right corner.
4. Fold this (unsealed) envelope and include it inside another envelope addressed to our PO Box.
5. The outer envelope should also be stamped.
6. When we receive your SASE, we use the inside envelope to return your stickers.

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