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Classifieds Index -> Parts -> Type 2/Bus - 1949-67
Weld It Yourself Bus Rotisserie Kit 1955-1970 Turn on always show all large photos     Ad id: 2564870
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Weld It Yourself Bus Rotisserie Kit 1955-1970   Price: 1250
This complete weld it yourself kit makes having your own bus rotisserie a reality while keeping the cost down. The Weld It Yourself kit comes with everything needed to assemble, and bolt the rotisserie to your bus. Stout 2x2" 3/16" square tubes have all appropriate degrees cut into them to remove the guess work. Four CNC cut frame plates and all hardware required is included. If you're a shop, or just an individual that is preparing to restore a bus do yourself a favor and make assessing the vehicle underside a breeze.

Caster Wheel Upgrade $150
The Weld It Yourself Kit is also available with the option to add on 6" heavy duty steel caster wheels, Caster plates & hardware. With this upgrade when the rotisserie is in the upright position the assembly is mobile and moves around with ease.

Due to weight this kit is recommended for local pick up only. If shipping is needed the buyer is responsible for arranging shipping and pick up. We have a fork lift on site to load into a shipping truck.
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Parts - Type 2/Bus - 1949-67

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